Prue H Hart 18th International Congress on Photobiology 2024

Prue H Hart

Prue Hart is a Principal Research Fellow, Telethon Kids Institute, Perth, Australia and Adjunct Professor, University of Western Australia. Her research interests include cellular immunology and inflammation control, particularly in the development of autoimmune diseases. Professor Hart was the Principal Investigator on an NHMRC-funded trial of UVB phototherapy for people with their first demyelinating disease, an early form of multiple sclerosis (MS). This trial followed 20 years of basic research investigating the mechanisms by which ultraviolet radiation is immunomodulatory. The trial of narrowband UVB for MS has attracted significant international attention as vitamin D supplementation trials continue to report little benefit. She is on the Scientific Advisory Board of Cytokind, a US company progressing the use of narrowband UVB for MS. Prof Hart has published over 200 peer reviewed manuscripts and 30 invited reviews (twice invited to write for Nature Reviews Immunology).

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