Margaret Clark 18th International Congress on Photobiology 2024

Margaret Clark

I obtained a PhD in Neuroimmunology in 2000 which examined photoperiod & Experimental Allergic Enchephalitis – an animal Multiple Sclerosis model, in Switzerland and Latrobe University, Australia. As a post-doctoral research fellow at the University of Melbourne we investigated genetics, cognitive, hormonal, biochemical, neurological and physical changes in ageing mid-life women. Clinical practice included Charge neurological physiotherapist, MS Society (1992-1997) and private practice neurological physiotherapist, Melbourne (2000 – current). During Covid I established the ALIS Project, the Adolescent latitude Immune Study to examine the differences in the immune system between summer and winter in girls and their mothers who were living at a high latitude in Hobart in the far south of Australia. With the risk of MS being greater in females who have grown up in high latitudes I sought to investigate how photoperiod and sun exposure affected levels of aggressor and suppressor T-cells in healthy females. I am now semi-retired.

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