SARAH D'ADAMO 18th International Congress on Photobiology 2024


Sarah D’Adamo holds a MSc. in industrial biotechnology and PhD degree in biotechnology, curriculum: biochemistry and biophysics, both obtained at the University of Study of Padova, Italy. She then worked as post-doctoral fellow and research associate at the Chemistry Dept.ment of Colorado School of Mines, United States of America, following projects on redox and hydrogen metabolism of green microalgae. She has been senior scientist and lead scientist at Algenuity, a microalgal biotech start-up company based in England. She is a tenure-track Associate Professor in microalgae cell factory design at the Bioprocess Engineering division of Wageningen University (WUR), The Netherlands. Overall, she has >12 years of both international academic and industrial experience in the field of microalgae physiology and biotechnology, conducted in Italy, USA, UK and, NL. Expertise includes biotechnology, biochemistry, molecular biology, analytical chemistry, biophysics, redox reactions, photosynthesis, metabolic engineering, strain engineering, bioprocess, nutraceutical production.

Abstracts this author is presenting: