Giovanni Leone 18th International Congress on Photobiology 2024

Giovanni Leone

Giovanni Leone MD Senior Consultant Dermatologist Scientific Manager for the Dermatology Branch Head of Photodermatology and Vitiligo Treatment Unit Israelite Hospital, Roma, Italy Giovanni Leone was born in Rome in 1958. He was trained at the University of Roma, La Sapienza, where he got his medical degree in 1983, and obtained board certification in Dermatology and Venereology in 1986. Then he was a resident in Allergology from 1986 to 1989 and in Tropical Medicine from 1989 to 1993. In 1991, he started as a clinical dermatologist at the Department of Dermatology of the San Gallicano Institute in Rome. In 1993 he was trained in photodermatology in France at the Unité de Photodermatologie of the Saint Louis Hospital in Paris, under the supervision of Prof. Louis Dubertret. In 1995 he was also trained in the practice of sunscreen testing at the LRTPH (Laboratory for Research on Cutaneous Tumors) of the Rothschild Foundation in Paris, directed by Prof. Jean Pierre Cesarini. He has been a visiting professor at the dermatology Clinic of the University of L’Aquila, and now is a visiting professor at the dermatology Clinic of the University of Novara, A. Avogadro, in the Piemonte Region. Has been Director of the a Photodermatology Unit at San Gallicano in Rome, from 2001 to 2020. Has been performing r “in vivo” sunscreen testing and has been an active member of the COLIPA (European Association of Cosmetic Industry) Task Force for Sun Protection Measurement from 1997 to 2003. He is a Cofounder and has been General Secretary and President of the Italian Photodermatology Group, He was elected in 2004 as a member of the Board of the European Society for Photodermatology (ESPD) and he is the President- Chair of the European Society for Photodermatology ESPD. He is a member of the European Task Force for Vitiligo (ETFV. He is on the editorial board of the following Journals: “der Hautarzt”, “Photodermatology, Photoimmunology, and Photomedicine PPP”. He holds the following memberships: Italian Society of Dermatology and Sexually Transmitted Disease (SIDEMAST) since 1986; American Academy of Dermatology AAD, International Fellow since 1997; Societè Française de Photodermatologie (SFPD) since 1994; Photomedicine Society since 2004 Throughout his career, Dr. Leone has been involved in various research projects and conducted many investigator-initiated studies as a principal investigator, mainly dealing with the clinic applications of phototherapy or the evaluation of photo protectors. He has served as a peer reviewer for scientific journals: the British Journal of Dermatology (BJD), the Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (JEADV), and Clinical and Experimental Dermatology. He has participated or has been invited as a speaker and the chairman in national and international conferences and congresses. As an author or coauthor, he published articles in national and international scientific journals as well as book chapters. His major areas of research include vitiligo, cutaneous photobiology, photoprotection, treatment of cutaneous diseases with phototherapy, photodermatoses, and psoriasis.

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