Roger Bresolí Obach 18th International Congress on Photobiology 2024

Roger Bresolí Obach

Roger Bresolí-Obach holds a BSc. and MSc. in chemistry (Institut Químic de Sarrià, Universitat Ramon Llull, Spain). Later, he received his Ph.D. in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering from the same institution under the supervision of Prof. Santi Nonell. His PhD topic was interdisciplinary where he developed new targeted photosensitizers for anticancer and antimicrobial photodynamic therapy and new methodologies to detect reactive oxygen species. Later, he went to Profs. Hofkens and Masuhara laboratories (KU Leuven, Belgium and NYCU; Taiwan), where he learnt about optical microscopy and optical trapping. He is currently back to Institut Químic de Sarrià with a Ramon y Cajal contract, where he is developing several research lines devoted to unravelling light-matter interactions from photobiology to optical binding. Recently, he was awarded with the ESP Young Investigator Award.

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