Cheol Ho Choi 18th International Congress on Photobiology 2024

Cheol Ho Choi

Cheol Ho Choi was received B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in Chemistry from Seoul National University, South Korea, where he worked in the laboratory of Prof. Kwan Kim. In 1998, he obtained his Ph.D. (Hons) in Chemistry from Georgetown University, working with Prof. Miklos Kertesz. After postdoctoral research with Prof. Mark Gordon at Iowa State University, Choi started his independent career at the Kyungpook National University, Daegu, South Korea in 2001. He is currently Full Professor of Chemistry and the director of BK21 research center of the Chemistry Department. He is a Member of the American Chemical Society and the Korean Chemical Society and was awarded distinguished scholar from Kyungpook National University (2008), Young Physical Chemist (2009), Ipjae Physical Chemist (2018), and Taegyu Lee Award (2023) from the Korean Chemical Society. His research focuses on the development and application of efficient electronic structure methods and their applications especially on excited states.

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